Blogster step by step guide (4)

Blogster offers more options such as exploring, searching, viewing your inbox and having friends.

1)“Explore” and “Search”

If you press on the “Explore” button you will see a list of blogs, profiles, groups and blogster stars. You can check out whatever you want. The “Search” button helps you look for a specific topic whether it’s a post, a category, a username or a photo.

2) Your inbox

Blogster offers you as well an inbox where people can message you even though they’re not your friends. You can reply back as well.

3) Friends

Anyone can check out your profile unless you setup your privacy settings. People can add you and this will appear on top of the page under “Home”, “Explore”, “Search” … You can chose whether to accept them or ignore them. Your friends’ list will appear on your profile page on the right.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogster

Blogster is a good blogging sites because it lets you create  you own page but it has alot of other interesting things to do such as creating quizzes or polls or even surveys. It allows you to share anything with anyone.

Blogster makes it easier for people to find others who share the same hobbies, interests, thoughts, beliefs and more. However a disadvantage could be the fact that if you check out the profile of anyone, that person will know you did. Moreover this application can’t work unless you have an internet connection. Users should be 13 and above to use Blogster.


The Giant Panda, referred to as the black and white cat foot belongs to the bear family. Since there are few captive pandas, the Chinese government has banned hunting them. Therefore pandas, specially the Giant Pandas, are usually safe from hunters and are protected. Like bears, pandas are usually heavy creatures.